Rector's awards 2024

On the occasion of the Dies academicus, the Rector awarded important personalities, scientists, and successful students in various categories. This year, the Rector's Award in physics for outstanding students of MU doctoral study programs was awarded to Július Vida. Congratulations!

27 May 2024 Tereza Schmidtová

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Dies Academicus took place on 23 May 2024 in the auditorium of the Faculty of Law. The rector of Masaryk University, Prof. Martin Bareš, awarded personalities who help spread a good name for the entire university. The Rector's Awards were given in many categories. Among the laureates were employees and students for outstanding results of their studies. You can read about all the awardees here (Czech only). For Physics, the successful laureate was Mgr. Július Vida, Ph.D.

Július Vida finished his studies this January with a successful defense of his dissertation thesis, "Application of coplanar dielectric barrier discharge for modification of printed functional coatings​." He worked in the research group Plasma Nanotechnologies and Bioapplications at the Department of Plasma Physics and Technology under his supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Tomáš Homola.

Cena Rektora Vida

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